Today, the kids and I visited Ringing Rocks, located on Ringing Rocks Road in Upper Black Eddy, Bucks County. What a neat trip to take! We walked a wooded trail that opened up into a field of boulders. It looks like a hidden lake - of rocks.
Armed with small hammers, the kids started scuttling across the rocks like monkeys, banging to find the ones that sounded like bells.
They really do! They sound like a bell being rung when you strike them with a hammer or small rock. My oldest quickly racked up 160 "ringers." Not all the stones ring, but here's a hint - look for the one with obvious gray areas from hammers being struck against them. They usually are good "ringers."
While scientists don't know exactly how this works, we had fun making up excuses: aliens being number one. If you go, wear sneakers. My kids had no problem scurrying over the rocks, but I seem to have lost my agility in my old age. We did take a baby stroller for my toddler, but it was rough going, and we had to carry the stroller at certain points. It was definitely workable, though.
Need more information? Shoot me an email, and I'll be happy to tell you more about it. You can find directions here, and on my GPS, I just used the street name and it took me right there.
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