Here are our median and average price ranges in Bucks County and Council Rock School District as of May, and it's still good news overall:
Bucks County real estate has an increase in both the median price range, and average price range. Because the chart is a bit difficult to read, here is the year to year average and median pricing:
Average +5% (from $311,000 in 5/09 to $327,000 in 5/10)
Median +6% (from $260,000 in 5/09 to $275,000 in 5/10)

Council Rock School District, specifically, did not enjoy as much of a recovery. My thoughts on this is that we do not enjoy a large percentage of first time homebuyer properties as compared to other school districts. Let's see if that first time homebuyer credit really does trickle up to the more expensive price points over the next few months.
That being said, Council Rock remains a very stable market without significant fluctuation in the average or median price as of May 2010.
Here is the breakdown of the Council Rock School District median and average pricing:
Average +1% (from $433,000 in 5/09 to $438,000 in 5/10)
Median -1% (from $355,000 in 5/09 to $353,000 in 5/10)

As always, if you would like to see what your own little corner of Bucks County is doing in terms of average pricing, median pricing, months supply of inventory, etc, please don't hesitate to contact me via email or cell. I'll be happy to run your numbers and email you your report!
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